Making With Meaning : German Edition
Making With Meaning : German Edition
Making With Meaning : German Edition

Making With Meaning : German Edition

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Making With Meaning by Jessica Carey is now available in German - and hardback! 

A thoughtful, purposeful approach to prioritize time for making, adding more meaning and intention to your life.
From cooking and cleaning to children’s events to business meetings to just about everything else, it’s hard to find quiet moments to just be. Jessica Carey has found that her best times for be-ing are when she is making. Hers is an inspiring approach to a beloved pastime, putting to use the meditative and therapeutic benefits of working with your hands. Featuring more than 20 different crochet patterns to inspire you as you make time for making, the book offers instructions to those who want to begin their crochet journey and teaches how to crochet through detailed explanation and visual guidance. Projects vary in skill level but are all designed for readers to be able to free their minds, leaving space for stitch-repetition to kick in. Accompanied by essays focused on gratitude, creativity, and living with intention, among other topics, the book invites you to take time to reflect on these themes and their presence in your life. Jessica offers support and encouragement so that you can strengthen more than just your crochet skills as you explore this adventure.


**NOTE: All current books sold from this listing will arrive signed by the author.


Häkel Dich locker!

Über 20 meditative und kreative Projekte für mehr Achtsamkeit

Produktinformationen "Häkel Dich locker!"
Häkeln trifft auf Meditation: Über 20 Projekte fördern sowohl die Kreativität als auch die Entspannung. Kleidung und Accessoires häkeln und dabei vollkommen zur Ruhe kommen Essays zu Themen wie Liebe, Dankbarkeit und Akzeptanz machen es möglich. Sobald die Nadeln zum Einsatz kommen, fängt gleichzeitig die Entschleunigung des Alltags an. Alle Projekte strahlen in modernen Farben und schönen Designs.
  • ISBN: 9783841066244
  • Erschienen am 17.02.2021
  • 160 Seiten
  • ca. 140 Abbildungen
  • Format 19,3 x 26,1 cm
  • Hardcover